This was the first day when Brian and I were able to work in parallel rather than waiting for each other. We got 8 of the eleven voussoirs framed up (at last). The last three should not take long tomorrow. We have been thinking about the problems of assembly by unskilled labour and how the arch will be supported. The cantilever idea is nice but allows no leeway. We have sketched out an idea but you will have to wait for a photo. There isn't time to draw it. The main frame needs to be handed over to the painters in a couple of days or we will run out of time. That should now be OK though we will need some more wood to make frames for supporting the voussoirs and to tie the abutments together.
Just occurs to me though that we might find something to do the job in that great pile under the carport. Time to look at that again tomorrow.
This has been a good day for me. My screwdriver battery ran out of steam before I did. I went to the surgeon's clinic without the rest I had promissed myself and still seem to be going strong at 8pm. Off now for a Pizza. A test of my digestive system.
More pictures in the gallery but no time to link them. Sorry