Well, Wednesday is done so we have just a week to the service. Brian and I finished the day happy that we had worked out schemes for everything we need to do.
First we had to collect the wood kindly donated by Buildings and Estates at the University of Exeter.
That encouraged us to get an abutment together to the point where we could hang a voussoir on it.
Then it started trying to rain so we had to restack all the wood to get under cover. Luckily, because the faces of the abutments slope straight down we were able to slide our voussoir down to get it under the car port and continue assembly at a lower level. Once we had two voussoirs in place it began to be clearer that we would end up with a bridge. It was also clear that the slope would be uncomfortable and we would have to make steps at least at the ends.
Fastening the risers to the lower edge of the handrail posts means that they rest nicely on the top of the previous voussoir and provide the vertical location we needed. The only thing left is to stop the cantilevered voussoirs from rolling off before the keystone is in place. By fastening a light chord to the top of each post, we can tie it back to the abutment and provide the moment connection needed. Hope to get to the stage of having all the voussoirs up tomorrow before I go off to Bristol for a meeting and a rest.