This was prompted by a post on twitter about intuition in arts and science to which a twitter friend, Patrick Sparkes, responded “and engineering”. It made me think about my own work, how I got something wrong and am trying to get it put right.
My involvement with Masonry bridges began with a request to monitor the behaviour of Wade’s bridge in Aberfeldy when it was to be subjected to new heavy loads. Back then in 1981 the bridge was nudging 250 years old. Now that score has reached 286!
Figure 1 That's a piece of new bridge passing over the old Wade bridge in Aberfeldy
The heavy loads were expected to be standard vehicles which were then allowed up to 100 tonnes gross on 5 axles, recently raised from 38 tonnes on 4 axles. I think that the worry was,in a sense, unfounded because agricultural vehicles would certainly haul eg potatoes and grain in full weight wagons. The new load would be Barytes from a mine that was about to be opened. In the even, grain lorries were used to haul it and they were full, taking the gross weight to around 100 tonnes on 5 axles, with a weight balance thrown to the rear of the vehicle, so most likely 3 axles at 25tonnes instead of 8 tonnes.
Anyway, this blog is about engineering bridges and analysis not illegal vehicles.
As we progressed with the monitoring work, it seemed necessary to offer some form of analysis. Then, and now, the standard “analysis” was MEXE. I soon learned that MEXE was not, in any way, an analysis but rather a complex formulation which converted a few basic details about the bridge into a presumed capacity without any real connection with engineering science. The main 18.3m span of the bridge had an expressed ring of 1.5m which is very large the rather smaller side spans had much smaller ”rings”, but the biggest dimension of the stone used was about 600mm. Using a 1.5m ring said the bridge was good for 26 tonne axles but reducing the ring to 600mm was much less encouraging.
I then became aware of Heyman’s work, begun in the 1960s, relating plastic theorems to masonry and offering a calculation scheme that seemed much closer to analysis. He based his work on that of Hooke (the line of thrust, well known in the UK) and De La Hire (check) who had looked at collapse mechanisms. Heyman’s model looked at the minimum arch that would carry a load and looked for 50% spare for security. Like everyone before him looking at bridges, he considered an effective strip to carry the load and adopted that used in MEXE, apparently without question. The spoil fill was treated as dead load only and the structure divided into 12 vertical slices for calculation
My contribution at that stage was to program the system into an HP 41CV pocket computer (to call it a calculator would be an insult. It was about the most powerful portable then available.) The user had to guess the positions where the best thrust would touch the intrados and extrados (henceforth called hinges) so type in say 0, 3, 7, 12 The program calculated moments about each point and worked out the appropriate balancing thrust then computed the offset from the intrados of the thrust at each of 13points with a delay to allow one to rite down the answer. If you were slick, and had graph paper, you could plot the points as they came up. The Hinges would then be moved to the points where the thrust line deviated most from the intrados and the program run again. After typically 3 guesses the result would be consistent with hinges in turn at intrados and extrados of the minimum ring to carry the load.
Then came PCs. A kind HoD allowed me to buy a PC with colour screen and GWBasic and in a 2 week burst I programmed CIRAR which divided the arch into 20 radial segments and applied some modest horizontal pressure from the soil fill. It was still necessary to guess the hinge positions rather than iterating because the calculations took 25 seconds and the user would think the computer had died if you added iterations to that. It did do the plotting though and produced a nice picture on the screen. It was around then I had the idea that we could have a zone of thrust instead of a line. The sort of “one hoss shay” where the arch would be on the point of both crushing and folding.
I showed off the program at a workshop in Edinburgh in 1984 and someone wanted to buy it. Suddenly I was a software vendor. The years went by. The program got refined. Computers got faster. The number of customers grew. People began to ask about viaducts.
And now we get to intuition, which usually needs a trigger. I was doing a lot of travelling then. I remember at the close of a day catching a train from Sheffield to Nottingham and buying a “New Scientist” to pass the time. There was an article that mentioned Occam’s Razor but which, unlike all previous references I had seen, expanded to say it is vain to do with more what can be done with fewer. And I thought… For an arch to get to four hinges it must first go through three. A three hinge arch is calculable. It is the natural stae when the centring is removed. The arch goes into compression and gets shorter and the abutments move apart so we have a shorter arch and a longer span and it must either crack and rotate to fill the gap or flex. Either way, the thrust will go to the extrados near the crown and the intrados near the springing. When a live (concentrated) load is applied the crown hinge will move towards it and at the remote springing the intrados hinge will move up the arch until eventually a fourth hinge forms at the extrados and the arch will fold and collapse.
But the extra load will increase the thrust and cause the piers in a viaduct to move apart slightly compressing the arches each side. In those, the hinges would close and eventually open the other way.
Then I found WHBarlow 1846 in the ICE showing that we cannot know what the thrust really is but we can set limits. And there was the solution to viaducts – we could have whatever thrust we needed from the adjacent span up to the limit where it folded upwards allowing the pier to tip. Too long winded a program, even with the fast computer in 1990, to do the iterative increase bt the picture on screen could respond quickly to manual input and it became a game. Users liked it.
Figure 2 Barlow's model, demonstrated at ICE on 3 Feb 1846 using slips of wood between voussoirs to constrain the position of the thrust.
Figure 3 My own model of a single thrust line.
So there we go, intuition, triggered by serendipitous reading.
And then I realised that railway viaducts have solid masonry in the valley and there is more possibility for increasing the thrust (which involves flattening it).
But that was WRONG. Both the original builders and I misunderstood the complexity of the interactions involved.
In 2000, I left the university world and set up as a consultant. I began to see viaducts suffering damage that was obviously caused by load. I couldn’t understand it. But, of course, I already knew that the bridge was more complex than a simple strip and I had begun to realise that the load isn’t (as previously assumed) distributed by the fill into an effective strip but rather the thrust is distributed within the arch from being concentrated under the load to distributed at the abutment or pier. That explains local failures in single spans and some of the damage in multi spans but not the horizontal cracks appearing in spandrel walls.
I had quite a few pictures of damaged bridges (from earthquakes, bombs and even demolition) where the outer third of each arch remained stuck to the backing after the crown section had fallen but it took far too long to click that this was telling me something important.
Figure 4 London Road viaduct, Brighton, after a bomb took out one pier.
DOH! If the ends of the arch are stuck to the backing, they didn’t drop when the centring was removed and therefore didn’t contribute to the thrust.
And if the thrust is much less than we thought, the capacity for change is also much less. And if you put a load on the end of that solid piece it will rock like a see saw, rotating about a point between the two arches at the top of the solid and above the pier. And the only thing to stop it rocking is its own weight and the stiffness of the spandrel (side) walls.
Figure 5 Section by G W Buck with notes showing how the structure works
The horizontal cracks I was seeing in the walls were at the top of the backing. The walls above were stiff enough and strong enough to work as a beam but the triangle of masonry below was determined to tip and it did. The crack opens and closes on alternate sides of the pier and the arch suffers severe local rotation at the end of the crack. Eventually, bricks fall out.
And the killer: What produced this sudden damage, was a change of vehicle not a change of load. The two axle 50 tonne bulk hall vehicles were replaced with 4axle bogie vehicles. The spacings changed from 3m, 4m, 3m, 4m, to 1.8m, 3m, 1.8m, 10+m. Suddenly we were putting 100tonnes in a single span and nothing in the span either side. So50 tonnes on the end of a see-saw that might only weigh 200 tonnes to start with. And if two trains passed we got to 100 tonnes on one cantilever.
This is all still intuition. Built from looking at dozens of damaged bridges. But we have measured live load response in a few and it seems to agree with my intuition. Now we need some aggressive testing. Real science where we work out how we might prove the hypothesis is wrong and set about trying. Proving it right is impossible, but engineers work with “right enough for all practical purposes”. What we are using at the moment, my original intuition, has been proved to be not right enough for engineering.